Sunday, March 25, 2012

Vagina Monologues

The Vagina Monologues was a very important part of my life. Most people, when they first hear "Vagina Monologues" cringe. They hear the word "vagina" and mentally head for the hills. They don't want to hear about it. Just thinking the word makes people feel uncomfortable. It is not to be talked about, especially in public! But the Vagina Monologues is a very powerful performance. In a way, sharing another's story helped me to find myself. I don't know if it was doing the Vagina Monologues that did it or perhaps the other things I was doing at the time, or maybe it was a combination of the two. I think I can say for all of us that it gave us a certain sense of meaning, a place in this world. It also gave us a sort of family; a family of thirteen amazing woman. I say woman because I think that was a point in my life when I came to certain realizations that have helped me to grow. I was a hit with reality. The Vagina Monologues helped to take away my naivety that comes with being a child. In hearing these stories and the stories of the others doing this with me, I realized the world wasn't what I thought it to be. I have always known that the world isn't perfect, but I never accepted the fact that it could be, at times, such a dark and cruel place for others, and for the people I love. Doing the Vagina Monologues and listening to the others helped me to see this fact and to accept but it also helped me to see that I can help in changing things. Although I am just one person, every little difference helps. Maybe I can't change the world, but I can help. And if I can change maybe just how one person thinks, help them to see the truth in things, get them to help as well, then in turn, maybe they could do it too, and so on. Not only did we create a family within our group, but we also created a sort of safe place. We could talk freely and comfortably and not be worried about what we were saying. We knew if we had a problem, we could tell anyone in the group and they would help, everyone. It became that we weren't the only one's in our safe place, but our audience as well. After each performance, a few girls in the show would get up and talk about their own story. One in every three woman will be abused, raped, or molested. In our group as well. These brave women got up and told their stories in front of everyone. It encouraged others to share their stories too. We had woman standing up and sharing with us about their past, their problems, their stories. Women who felt safe enough, not only to share but to cry and ask for help. Asking for help is one of the hardest things to do, but to cry, is even harder. When we cry, we are in our most vulnerable state and grown women cried before us. I can't even describe the feelings that went through me during these times. Not just during our performances but at the practices as well. I admit, I even found myself crying at times. Not crying for myself, but for the pain and suffering others had gone through. The suffering that people I loved went through, that I hadn't known about until then. Suffering that I hadn't been able to ease. Now I will do all that I can to make sure it never happens again. To anyone. I'm sure that sounds like quite the feat to accomplish, and I know it's not a possible one, but that doesn't deter me one bit. I'm still going to try. Nothing can stop me for now, not only am I a woman, but I am a warrior. A warrior for women, girls. A warrior against the pain directed towards not only women, but to men as well. A warrior who is willing to fight until her last breath. Who will do anything in her power, even when she has no power left and she knows it is in vain. I am a vagina warrior. I once met the most beautiful women in the world. They were the Vagina Warriors. I am a Vagina Warrior.


As well as these amazing woman we had a great group of boys helping us with lighting and sound. We couldn't have done it without these three honorary Vagina Warriors.

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